This project was part of a larger Case Study which you can read here.

My concept for the show focuses much of the theme around the 3 design fields at CSUS and how they can all come together to create a fun and lively showcase. The span of this project was very short, lasting only two weeks. It was challenging getting the right concept to work with all 3 design fields under a short amount of time, but in the end I was able to create a solution that worked to highlight each design field’s work.

The color palette I chose reflects those 3 fields; the blue is associated with AdobePhotoShop which is a popular tool for photographer and is an appropriate representation of the Photography Department, the golden yellow is meant for Graphic Designers who most frequently use AdobeIllustrator as a tool for their work, and lastly the lively green is meant for Interior Designers who tend to utilize AdobeDimension (now known as AdobeSubstance) as another tool for building and laying out their designs. The typography used is also meant to give an inviting and lively tone and when used together with the rest of the design it creates a system that is meant to highlight and not overpower the students work as well. The final pieces for this conceptual in-person show includes way-finding signage, COVID signage, and a floor plan design of the showcase.

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